Welcome to the Brooks Harbor Elementary PTO! Here you will learn about all of the wonderful things parents and teachers do to enrich the educational experiences of the children at Brooks Harbor Elementary School.
What is the PTO?
We are a local Parent Teacher Organization that is organized by interested parents and teachers. ALL PARENTS ARE MEMBERS. Unlike PTAs, we do not collect dues or report to a national organization.
Why Be Part of the PTO?
All parents/guardians are automatically members of the PTO! Attending meetings and volunteering at events is a great way to meet other parents and form great friendships. Get to know the teachers and staff that your child interacts with on a daily basis. Stay informed on school issues that are important to the students, teachers, and school. Make a difference in your child’s academic life. Share your ideas. Contribute to the many fun activities and yearly projects that are performed at Brooks Harbor Elementary.
Check us out on our Facebook Page (Brooks Harbor PTO)for upcoming events and how to get involved.